Snakebyte KEY PAD - Attachable Wireless Keyboard for your XBOX One Controller Controller QWERTY - Xbox Gaming Keyboard


Xbox One Wireless Keyboard - Wireless (2.4 GHz) keyboard for chatting and texting
Xbox One 무선 키보드 - 채팅 및 문자 메시지를 위한 무선(2.4 GHz) 키보드

Xbox One Controller Keyboard - Attaches directly to the Xbox One and XBOX One Elite controller
Xbox One 컨트롤러 키보드 - Xbox One 및 XBOX One Elite 컨트롤러에 직접 연결

Features a 3.5 mm headset socket
3.5mm 헤드셋 소켓을 특징으로 한다.

Xbox one controller Chatpad- 3.5mm audio Port / Lightweight / Chat with friends
Xbox 1 컨트롤러 Chatpad- 3.5mm 오디오 포트 / 경량 / 친구와 채팅

Layout: QWERTY

Uncomfortable text input with the controller is a thing of the past. Using the Key: Pad for Xbox One from Snakebyte you can write fast and conveniently on your console. The wireless (2.4 GHz) Xbox one controller keypad perfectly fits the Xbox One and Elite Controller and possesses its own 3.5 mm port for headsets. The Key: Pad is compatible with the Head: Set from Snakebyte (sold separately). • Wireless (2.4 GHz) keyboard for chatting and texting • Attaches directly to the Xbox One controller • Features a 3.5 mm headset socket • 3.5mm audio Port / Lightweight / Chat with friends • QWERTY