Bolt Action Char B1 Bis Tank 1 56 WWII Military Wargaming Plastic Model Kit


Recreate world War II combat on a tabletop using dice, model troops, tanks and the rules Constructed by bolt action against one or more opponents.
주사위, 모델 군대, 탱크 및 하나 이상의 상대방에 대한 볼트 액션으로 구성된 규칙을 사용하여 테이블 위에서 2 차 세계 대전 전투를 재현하십시오.

Each opposing side will also require painted model troops, representing the soldiers, guns and tanks of your chosen armies.
각 반대편에는 선택한 군대의 군인, 총기 및 탱크를 대표하는 페인트 모델 군대가 필요합니다.

Tabletop encounters take place according to twelve closely defined battle scenarios that explain how forces are deployed and how victory is achieved.
탁상용 조우는 힘이 어떻게 배치되고 승리가 어떻게 달성되는지를 설명하는 12 개의 밀접하게 정의된 전투 시나리오에 따라 진행됩니다.

All that remains is for players to pit their Wits against each other as they enact just one small part of one of the greatest conflicts in history—world War II.
남은 것은 플레이어가 역사상 가장 큰 갈등 중 하나 인 제 2 차 세계 대전 중 하나의 작은 부분을 제정하면서 서로의 위트를 구덩이에 넣는 것입니다.

Build, paint and play! The construction and painting of the models and watching them come to life are just as much fun as the game itself!
건설하고, 페인트하고, 플레이하십시오! 모델들의 구성과 그림 그리고 그들이 살아나는 것을 보는 것은 게임 그 자체만큼이나 재미있다!

Upgrading the Char B1, the Char B1 bis had thicker armor and an APX4 turret with a longer-barreled (L/32) 47 mm SA 35 gun, giving it more anti-tank capacity alongside the 75mm hull-mounted howitzer. French experiences during the great War influenced their belief a breakthrough tank would be needed in future conflicts, hence the design of the heavy Char B1 and B1 bis. Among the most powerful tanks at the time, The Char B1 bis was very effective against German panzers in 1940 during the battle of France. However, slow speed and high fuel consumption Made it ill-adapted to the more fluid style of warfare being fought at that time. With the fall of France, the victorious German military captured 161 char B1 bis tanks and repurposed them under the nomenclature Panzerkampfwagen B-2 740 (F). several were also converted into flame-throwing tanks.