NOW Foods Eucalyptus Essential Oil 4-Ounce 2 Count


Comes with 0 to 3 meter Soothie, the pacifier used by doctors and nurses to calm newborns
의사와 간호사가 신생아를 진정시키기 위해 사용하는 0~3m 수티와 함께 나온다.

100% Pure and natural
100 % 순수하고 자연스러운

Eucalyptus globules
유칼립투스 구상체

Aroma therapeutic - GC/IR verified
아로마 치료 - GC / IR 검증

Dropper insert not included with this size bottle
이 크기의 병에 포함되지 않은 드로퍼 삽입물

Eucalyptus oil remains a favorite among aroma therapists and casual users alike, based on its strong woody and medicinal aroma. Popular in many vapor rubs, it emits an essence of cleanliness when diffused for aromatherapy. NOW Eucalyptus Oil is 100% pure and steam distilled.