Looney Labs Jumanji Fluxx Specialty Edition Card Game None


Note: there are two versions of this game. This version is the "specialty edition," which is published by Looney Labs and contains seven bonus cards that are not found in the mass market version, which is less expensive and is published by Cardinal games.
참고 :이 게임에는 두 가지 버전이 있습니다. 이 버전은 Looney Labs에서 출판한 "스페셜 에디션"으로, 대중 시장 버전에서는 찾을 수없는 7 개의 보너스 카드가 포함되어 있습니다.이 보너스 카드는 저렴하고 Cardinal 게임에서 발행합니다.

Great gift for Jumanji fans, with an award winning game that has references to both movies and the original book plus a collectible coin!
Jumanji 팬들을위한 훌륭한 선물, 영화와 원작에 대한 언급과 수집 가능한 동전이있는 수상 경력에 빛나는 게임!

Fluxx is "the card game of ever changing rules" Because you get to change the rules of the game and the winning conditions with the cards that you play!
Fluxx는 당신이 플레이하는 카드로 게임의 규칙과 승리 조건을 변경하기 때문에 "끊임없이 변화하는 규칙의 카드 게임"입니다!

Adults and kids can enjoy this version of Fluxx together, with lots of action and humor included.
어른들과 아이들은 Fluxx의이 버전을 함께 즐길 수 있으며 많은 액션과 유머가 포함되어 있습니다.

This version of Fluxx debuts a brand new card Type; danger cards can eliminate you from the game for one turn.
이 버전의 Fluxx는 새로운 카드 유형을 선보입니다. 위험 카드는한 턴 동안 게임에서 당신을 제거할 수 있습니다.

10-40 minutes of fun for 2-6 players ages 8 to adult
8세부터 성인까지 2-6명의 선수에게 10-40분간의 재미

Flux is "the card Game of ever-changing rules." the rules start out simple—draw 1, play 1—but become more exciting as players add new rule cards from their hands. Goals (The way to win the game) can also be changed by the players throughout the game. This version of fluxx—jumanji fluxx—may be the most dangerous Flux yet! But what DO you expect, Slogging through a jungle full of wild animals? You may need those animal Keepers to meet a goal, but if someone plays one of the all-new danger cards, they could Stampede and then you're eliminated... But only until your turn comes around again. It's just a game—at least the first time through the draw pile. After that, there are no more extra lives. If you want to survive, you'll have to carefully traverse the landscape, gathering The right gear and avoiding the many dangers. Includes a collectible coin. Note: there are two versions of this game. This version is the "specialty edition," which is published by Looney Labs and contains seven bonus cards that are not found in the mass market version, which is less expensive and is published by Cardinal games.