Summoner Wars Vanguards Second Summoner Faction Deck


Faction Deck Expansion
팩션 덱 확장

Age range: 9 and up / Number of players: 2 / Play time: 30 to 60 minutes
연령 범위 : 9 이상 / 선수 수 : 2 / 경기 시간 : 30 ~ 60 분

Games collection
게임 컬렉션

1 Samuel Farthen - Summoner, 2 Abolish - Event, 2 Divine Protection - Event, 3 Transformation - Event, 2 Strong Spirits - Event, 1 Sybil Swancott - Champion, 1 Valentina Stout heart - Champion, 1 Master Bullock - Champion, 7 Woeful Brothers - Common, 5 Warrior Angels - Common, 6 Honor Guards - Common, 3 Wall Cards, 1 Summoner Reference Card.