Crazy Aaron 39 s Angry Putty - Drama Queen - Putty That Fights Back - The More You Stretch The Stronger It Gets - Never Dries Out


Collection: Angry Putty | Color: Purple | Texture: Soft
컬렉션 : Angry Putty | 색상 : 보라색 | 텍스처 : 부드러운

Made in the USA from nontoxic silicone and never dries out
미국에서 무독성 실리콘으로 만들어졌으며 절대 마르지 않는다.

Angry Putty: The Putty That Fights Back - It Gets Stronger The Harder You Pull
화가 퍼티 : 다시 싸우는 퍼티 - 더 강하게 당깁니다.

Includes 3.2 oz of Genuine Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty
3.2 온스의 진정한 미친 아론의 생각 퍼티 포함

Thinking Putty is manufactured with the help of exceptional individuals challenged with disabilities
Thinking Putty는 장애가 있는 예외적인 개인의 도움으로 제조된다.

Take your drama to task with Drama Queen Angry Putty. This pretty green putty gets more and more resistant with each stretch to absorb your tension and ensure your peaceful reign.