Black Powder Napoleonic French Hussars 1 56 Military Wargaming Plastic Model Kit


From the Napoleonic Wars to the American Revolution to the Civil War to the Plain Wars and many other conflicts in between, Black Powder covers a significant period in history spanning almost 300 years, which encompasses an era of warfare defined by muskets and cannons fueled by nothing more than gunpowder.
나폴레옹 전쟁에서 미국 혁명, 남북 전쟁, 일반 전쟁 및 그 사이의 많은 다른 갈등에 이르기까지 Black Powder는 약 300 년에 걸친 역사상 중요한시기를 다루고 있습니다.이 시대는 화약.

Reenact pivotal battles in history within this tabletop combat game using dice, troops, and rules constructed by Warlord Games against one or more opponents.
Warlord Games가 하나 이상의 상대방을 상대로 만든 주사위, 군대 및 규칙을 사용하여이 탁상용 전투 게임에서 역사상 중추적인 전투를 재현하십시오.

Each brigade is led by a single commander. You can move your entire brigade altogether or give individual units their own orders. On each turn, verbal commands are agreed upon by both players and moved based on those verbal commands and the roll of the dice.
각 여단은 한 명의 지휘관이 지휘한다. 전체 여단을 모두 이동하거나 개별 부대에 자체 명령을 내릴 수 있다. 각 턴마다 구두 명령은 두 플레이어가 동의하고 구두 명령과 주사위 굴림에 따라 움직입니다.

Built to be played on large tabletops, such as a pool table and multiplayer with as many people as you want, Black Powder was originally created to be a club game. A standard move is 12 ins for infantry, 18 in for Cavalry. Each player will need to have a measuring tape handy as they are not included.
원하는만큼 많은 사람들이 있는 당구대 및 멀티 플레이어와 같은 대형 탁상에서 재생되도록 제작된 Black Powder는 원래 클럽 게임으로 제작되었습니다. 표준 이동은 보병 12 인치, 기병 18 인치입니다. 각 플레이어는 포함되어 있지 않으므로 측정 테이프를 편리하게 사용할 수 있어야 합니다.

Build, paint and play! The construction and painting of the models and watching them come to life are just as much fun as the game itself!
건설하고, 페인트하고, 플레이하십시오! 모델들의 구성과 그림 그리고 그들이 살아나는 것을 보는 것은 게임 그 자체만큼이나 재미있다!

Napoleonic warfare saw bewildering varieties of exotic uniforms worn by the various armies that marched and fought in the early 19th century. There were none so exotic and magnificent as the Hussar regiments of the French army. These dashing light cavalry donned outfits originally inspired by Turkish, and later Hungarian, cavalry. Each of the fourteen regiments formed wore a differing uniform, with the result that a Hussar brigade made a most impressive sight. Mounted on small but tough horses, they were used on campaign in scouting and raiding roles. Their élan and dash made up for their smaller mounts and lack of armor on the field of battle. Principally armed with the curved light cavalry sabre they could also carry a carbine, or more commonly a pistol, into the fray. A regiment was formed into four squadrons, each of two companies, and the first company in a regiment was usually the elite company, distinguished by their bearskin fur colpacks. Vive L’Empereur! Box set Contains: 12 plastic easy-build French Hussars. 1 additional metal officer and metal horse. 1 additional metal bugler. Optional metal arm for eagle bearer. Although a standard unit size for French Hussars would be 12 in most games, this box allows you to make 13 mounted French Hussars, giving you the choice of fielding them with or without command models.