Warm Glow Candle Company Maple Butter Hearth Candle w 6oz Unscented Rose Hips 6 oz


Rose hips can be arranged around candles or other decor
장미 엉덩이는 양초나 다른 장식 주위에 배열될 수 있다.

Candle stands approximately 5″ high x 4.5″ in diameter with a burn time of up to 150 hours
양초는 직경이 약 5 "높이 x 4.5"이고 연소 시간은 최대 150 시간입니다.

Candle has our timeless signature, lumpy bumpy exterior
촛불은 우리의 시대를 초월한 서명, 울퉁불퉁한 외관을 가지고 있다.

Fills air with a creamy, warm, sweet, buttery scent with hints of maple
크림 같고, 따뜻하고, 달콤하고, 버터 같은 향기로 공기를 가득 채운다. 단풍나무의 힌트로

Candle Made in USA, rose hips Made in Chilean
미국산 캔들, 칠레산 장미 엉덩이

Warm Glow Candle Company maple butter hearth candle W/6oz unscented Rose hips. Warm glow hearth candle is our classic, best selling product. This candle has our timeless signature, lumpy bumpy exterior, and provides a beautiful glow to any room when burning. The candle weighs approximately 2 lbs. And stands approximately 5″ high x 4.5″ in diameter. It is a long lasting candle, with a burn time of up to 150 hours. Includes unscented dried Rose hips that can be arranged around candles or other decor for a beautiful centerpiece. Not edible. Maple butter: this creamy, warm, sweet, buttery scent with hints of maple will have you craving breakfast with hot rolls and Biscuits.