Tick Tock Token Dungeon Masters Advice Dice


DM needs a little help or inspiration? Roll the dice and take their advice! (or don't)
DM은 약간의 도움이나 영감이 필요한가? 주사위를 굴려 그들의 충고를 받아들여라! (아니면 하지 마라)

The Dungeon Master's Advice Dice can add variety, spark ideas, or just plain let the DM take a breather in your favorite RPG! Can't quite think? Stuck in a rut? Players getting complacent? Roll the dice, consider the results, and incorporate into your game!
던전 마스터의 조언 주사위는 다양성을 추가 할 수 있습니다, 아이디어를 스파크, 또는 그냥 평범한 당신의 마음에 드는 RPG에서 호흡을 취할 수 있습니다! 생각이 잘 안 돼? 틀에 박혀 있어? 선수들이 현실에 안주하고 있다고? 주사위를 굴리고, 결과를 고려하고, 게임에 통합하십시오!

Dice bag included
주사위 봉지 포함

Makes a great gift
좋은 선물이 될 거야

Dungeon Master's Advice Dice are a fun way to add variety, spark ideas, or just plain let the DM take a breather in your favorite RPG! Four dice make up the set, includes a convenient dice bag. How does it work? 1. Roll all dice together  2. Consider the results and incorporate into your game 3. That's it! You can take the results literally, you can rearrange some if you like, or you can read them metaphorically like tea leaves or tarot cards. Either way, the dice have given their advice and the rest is up to you! Dice package includes a link to an online guide to help interpret the dice results.