Privateer Press Hordes Troll Bloods Thumper Pummler Kit


Players take on the role of powerful Warlocks as they lead their savage forces into battle
플레이어는 야만적인 군대를 전투로 이끌면서 강력한 워록의 역할을 맡는다.

Player armies will use a mix of brutal warriors and packs of hulking War beasts fueled by unbridled rage
플레이어 군대는 억제되지 않은 분노에 힘입어 잔인한 전사들과 훌릉거리는 전쟁 짐승들을 혼합하여 사용할 것이다.

A warlock's true strength lies in his ability to control and coordinate the mighty savage War beasts at the heart of his forces
워록의 진정한 힘은 그의 군대의 심장부에 있는 강력한 야만적인 전쟁 짐승들을 통제하고 조정하는 능력에 있다.

Players collect, assemble, and paint fantastically detailed models representing the varied warriors, machines, and creatures in their armies
플레이어는 군대의 다양한 전사, 기계 및 생물을 대표하는 환상적으로 상세한 모델을 수집, 조립 및 페인트합니다.

Hordes is fully compatible with its steam powered twin, the titanic miniatures combat game of WARMACHINE
Hordes는 WARMACHINE의 타이타닉 미니어처 전투 게임인 증기 구동 트윈과 완벽하게 호환됩니다.

HORDES players take on the role of warlocks as they lead their wild forces into battle. Warlocks are formidable combatants in their own right, and their armies make use of both hardened and brutal warriors and packs of savage war beasts, allowing them to contend on equal footing with the greatest armies of the Iron Kingdoms. Players collect, assemble, and paint fantastically detailed models representing the varied warriors, minions, and beasts in their hordes. HORDES is the feral twin of the steam-powered combat game of WARMACHINE, and the two are fully compatible.