Privateer Press Con Convergence Tokens


10 focus tokens
10 포커스 토큰

30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects.
주문 추적 및 게임 내 효과를 위한 30개의 상태 토큰

The spell tokens are completely customizable
주문 토큰은 완전히 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.

Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds!
드라이 지우기 마커로 토큰을 표시하고 몇 초 안에 작업으로 돌아가십시오!

Each of these faction-specific token sets includes 10 focus tokens sporting the factions color and symbol in addition to over 30 status tokens for tracking spells and in-game effects. The spell tokens are completely customizable , so you won't have to spend time fishing around for the right token or carry multiple sets for different warcasters. Just mark the token with a dry-erase marker and get back to the action in seconds! Made from high-quality plastic , WARMACHINE token sets arm players with everything they need for the front lines!